
TWO ARTIFACTS at Fleisher/Ollman Gallery

Re-Imagining the Exhibition as a Form

From April 1st -3rd 2009, students from the University of the Arts Department of Sculpture and Printmaking will stage a series of day-long solo and collaborative artist projects, hosted by the Fleisher Ollman Gallery, which engage and challenge our notion of what constitutes an ‘exhibition.’

Through endeavors encompassing the fields of drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, photography, performance, and curatorial projects, each artist’s exhibition serves as a unique reconsideration of how space and time can be used, as well as how the exhibition format can be utilized by artists as a custom made context, specific to their needs and relevant to their concerns.

The gallery will be open from 12-6 p.m. April 1-3, showing a different series of special exhibitions each day.

The exhibition schedule is as follows:

April 1st:

Maxwell Hartley, Nicholas Maimone, Nicole Panella, Elizabeth Vega

April 2nd:

Jim Grilli, Dan Haddigan, Emily Schumacher

April 3rd:

George Cosgrove, Alexander Hollenbach, Sean Langan, Ian Paterson, Marianna Peragallo, Aidan Rich

* Performance at 5pm

Fleisher/Ollman Gallery is located at 1616 Walnut Street, Suite 100, Philadelphia, P.A.

This series of exhibitions is organized by Jonathan Berger in Collaboration with Amy Adams and the Fleisher Ollman Gallery.


The 3 choppers are steadily approaching what has unanimously agreed to be the front of these spaceships, a parabolic indentation 9 city blocks in diameter.

There are things that haven’t happened yet but they will. Uh huh.

Los Angeles, New York and Washington DC have been left in ruins.
-Good God! I’ve been sayin’ it. I’ve been sayin’ it for 10 damn years. Ain’t I been sayin’ it, Miguel? Yeah, I’ve been sayin’ it.

Uh huh, that’s what the artifact said.
Two Artifacts

TWO ARTIFACTS presents the observer with a deliberate decision to believe or not believe, take it or leave it but please take something. We’ve been outside. There’s another world outside, we’ve seen it. Choose profit over prophet every time and eventually you’ll lose.

On APRIL 2, 2009 an act of intervention occurs. TWO ARTIFACTS will appear at the location FLEISHER/OLLMAN GALLERY in PHILADELPHIA.

Still Two years from the Dome Cities but uh, that’s ok. The debriefing, uh, it was more complicated than usual.
But you’ll get it.

Dan Haddigan-Dreamboat presents an installation with a ceramic artifact, a large scale vinyl cut-out and various works on paper at the Fleischer-Ollman Gallery on April 2, 2009. Haddigan-Dreamboat’s work takes the question of authenticity and forces the viewer to react, leaving them to decide what’s real, what’s fabricated, what’s found, what’s authentic and what is simply just made up.

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